Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bad Skin Habits You Should Break

Bad Habit #1: Use soap or body wash and not shaving cream when shaving your legs:

Break the habit:

Shaving gels or creams give the razor a smooth surface to glide over and help to prevent nicked or inflamed skin
Use a shaving cream, but not your guy’s barbershop can
Use girls only shaving gels

Bad Habit #2: Popping whiteheads

Break the habit:

Popping zits can lead to further breakouts and cause scarring
If you must do it, buy a comedone extractor
Swab the extractor and the zit with rubbing alcohol
Apply a warm compress (a damp washcloth works well) to the area to help soften up the pimple
Line up the hole in the extractor directly over the whitehead and push straight down
Or see a dermatologist for removal

Read on at: http://smalldogs2.com/SkinCareTips

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